【同义词辨析】 2019-10-15 国庆笔记《一些记忆小窍门part 15》


1) impudent无礼放肆,死记implies bold and pert defiance of consideration of modesty or decency拒不考虑谦虚体面,如a rude and impudent reply to a polite question无礼的回答

2) tricky耍花招的,首字母us美国,being shifty and unreliable不诚实可靠,如a tricky interviewer who usually got what she wanted from her subject滑头的访谈节目主持人        shifty: dishonest不诚实shifty eyes贼溜溜的眼睛

3) aroma刺鼻香味,首字母4p,suggests a somewhat penetrating, pervasive, pungent, but pleasant odor刺鼻辛辣的香味,如the aroma of freshly ground coffee现磨咖啡刺鼻香味

4) 对比worldly-wise强调物质目标material ends,worldly强调快乐happiness,如a worldly-wise woman with a philosophy of personal independence处世精明的女性,如chose to focus on worldly concerns俗世的烦恼

5) sterile和fertile是直接相对地解释,是否可以或有利于produce生产生殖,如a sterile imagination贫乏的想象

6) dictate命令独裁,谐音implies an authoritative directive given orally口头指令,如in matters of love, do as the heart dictates且随你心

7) exact准确严格,死记implies very strict agreement with a fact or standard严格一致, 如a suit tailored to exact measurements严格量身定制.